The king of confectionaries, the sultan of all sweets, the pope of pastries, and the jewel of every beaming child's eye: classical, captivating cake. What a wonderful experience cake is: huge and sweet and bright and shareable, never was there a more celebrated coronation and more deservedly delicious crown. The center of attention at every party it attends, the symbol of celebrations the world over, and even the star of TV shows where cake is the boss and the canvas — cake truly is king.
But should you store it in the fridge or is it safe to leave it out? And what exactly does refrigeration do to cake? Cake is amazing, but sometimes the dessert can be a handful to properly store. It's large and often delicate and because it's so important you really don't want to be that one person who ruined the cake, so the stakes couldn't be higher. According to The Kitchn, the proper method of storing cake really depends on the kind of cake you've got on your hands. While there's one major reason why you shouldn't store cake in the fridge, there is a case to be made for the cold storage approach as well.
Whether you made the cake yourself or you bought it at the store, most people tend to just stick their cake into the fridge and leave it there until it's time to serve, but this can actually dry the cake out very quickly. Drying out cake is the reason why you shouldn't store the dessert in the refrigerator, if at all possible. If your cake is frosted, Allrecipes suggests just finding a nice cover for the cake and leaving it out at room temperature.
Per the outlet, cakes frosted with buttercream, ganache, or fondant can last at room temperature for up to five days without becoming too stale, as the frosting creates a seal around the cake that works to keep the moisture inside. If your cake is partially frosted or has been cut already, then make sure to keep it well covered and/or wrapped to prevent further loss of moisture.
Sometimes, though, refrigeration is necessary. If, for example, your kitchen is a busy and bustling one, if you live in warmer climates, or if for any other reason your cake will be in a hot and/or humid place, then it's better for your cake to be refrigerated to avoid spoiling. Also, according to Southern Living, if your cake has toppings, fillings, or even garnishes that require refrigeration, then you should definitely keep your cake in the fridge; this includes cream cheese frosting, whipped cream, fruit of any kind, etc.
To properly store cakes in the fridge, make sure to chill the cake uncovered in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes first; then cover it before returning the cake back to the fridge for storage.