WTHI File Photo: Chris Essex
Digital Director/Digital Executive Producer
WTHI File Photo: Chris Essex
VIGO COUNTY, Ind. (WTHI) - Here's a look at the Vigo County Health Department's food inspections for August 22, 2022 thru August 26, 2022.
Big Willy’s Townhouse, 1724 Lafayette Ave. (6 Critical, 4 Non-Critical) Observed spoiled and rotten food, (peppers, lettuce, tomatoes, pasta, broccoli) in reach in refrigerator. Observed raw pork and ground beef stored above, fish, cooked meatballs and deli ham. Observed several food items in cooler without date of consumption. Found multiple food items being warmed in steam table, not heated to proper temperature within time limits. Observed accumulated debris on table top can opener and soda gun nozzle in bar area. Observed several food items held at 48-60 F should be 41 F or less.
El Camino Real, 1119 N 3rd St. (2 Critical, 3 Non-Critical) Observed accumulated debris on “clean” knives and table top can opener. Observed many gnats throughout kitchen and bar area.
Country Mark, 9950 S US Hwy 41 (2 Critical, 2 Non-Critical) Observed built up debris on tabletop can opener and spray nozzle at 3-bay sink. Observed mouse droppings on floor and in cabinets throughout establishment.
Chavas Mexican Grill, 669 Wabash Ave (1 Critical, 2 Non-Critical) Found hot sauces being stored without labels or dates
Rally’s, 3492 S US Hwy 41 (1 Critical, 1 Non-Critical) Observed accumulated debris inside ice machine
BPO Elks, 2125 N 25th St. (1 Critical, 1 Non-Critical) Found accumulated debris on soda nozzles.
Greek’s Pizzeria, 600 Wabash Ave (1 Critical, 1 Non-Critical) Observed accumulated debris on soda nozzles
Federal Coffee and Fine Foods, 683 Wabash Ave (1 Critical, 0 Non-Critical) Observed accumulated debris on ice machine
Snacks Cafe, 7 West Paris Ave, WTH. (1 Critical, 0 Non-Critical) Found several food items in refrigerator without date of consumption.
Travelodge, 530 S 3rd St. (1 Critical, 0 Non-Critical) Observed mouse droppings in lower cabinets in breakfast area.
Commons at Honey Creek, 1450 E. Crossing Blvd. (0 Critical, 1 Non-Critical)
Sleep Inn, 3070 1st St. (0 Critical, 1 Non-Critical)
Beezer’s BBQ, 683 Wabash Ave.
Camp Navigate After School Devaney, 1011 S. Brown Ave.
Deming Learning Center, 1750 S. Ave.
Devaney Elementary, 1011 S. Brown Ave.
Harvest Bakery, 905 S. 25th St.
Lost Creek Elementary, 6701 Wabash Ave
South Vigo High School, 3737 S. 7th St.
T’s Lounge, 1612 S. 7th
Terre Town Elementary School, 2121 Boston Ave
Vigo County Head Start, 705 S. 5th St
Washington Alternative High School, 3703 S. 7th St.
West Vigo Middle/High School, 4750 W. Sarah Meyers Dr.
Real Hacienda, 2141 S. St. Rd. 46 (4 Critical, 1 Non-Critical) Found accumulated debris on table mounted can opener and knife rack. Observed ice, lemons and food debris in hand wash sink.
Found several pans of refried beans in walk in cooler at 58-61 F (discarded). Observed several totes of cut onions and peppers stacked with no lids/covering.
Digital Director/Digital Executive Producer
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