LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Vega Tacos Mexico on Charleston Boulevard and Maryland Parkway was shut down on Aug. 19 for the imminent health hazard of inadequate refrigeration.
Inspectors found expired beef soup, expired meat in red sauce and expired birria in the walk-in cooler.
Another refrigerator held expired potato tacos, expired cooked tongue and expired green salsa. All of it was thrown out.
Rice also had to be thrown out due to unsafe temperatures.
An open employee beverage sat on a prep table next to fresh onions.
And there was a repeat violation for improper ware washing.
Tacos Mexico was re-inspected the same day and received a zero demerit "A” grade.
Our call for comment was not returned.
Los Pioneros LV, a taqueria on wheels located on Nellis Boulevard and Billman Avenue, was shut down on Aug. 18 for the imminent health hazard of improper disposal of liquid waste.
Inspectors found used handsink and wastewater continuously leaking onto the ground while water was running.
Foods in the make table in the temperature danger zone included a container of carne asada, cut tomatoes, cheese and lettuce. All of it was thrown out. The owner said the make table lid was alternately open and closed as they were actively using it and inspectors didn’t give it time to cool down.
A container of jalapenos was in direct contact with uncovered carrots.
And a dirty knife with excessive old food on it was stored as clean. The owner says an employee moved the knife after they were shut down to get it out of the way for safety but the inspector wrote it up as a violation anyway.
Los Pioneros was back to a 3-demerit “A” grade on Aug. 24.
The owner said, "The inspection was too much. It seemed like they came with the intention of finding something. They kept writing violations even after they shut us down. We take all concerns personally, this is a family business, our food is fresh and our issues weren’t with the food itself but with equipment."
Powerhouse Nutrition on Jones Boulevard and Sahara Avenue was shut down on Aug. 15 for the imminent health hazard of no hot water.
The workout area was allowed to stay open but no food or drinks from the snack bar could be served. That area was closed.
It was re-inspected on Aug. 17 and received a zero-demerit "A" grade.
A spokesperson said, "We got it fixed the same day the inspector arrived. Basically, we had no water for one hour. We did not serve any customers. Because we didn't lock the door, she fined us."
Soda Bomb in Logandale got a 39-demerit “C” grade on its Aug. 15 inspection at Whipple Rd. and Moapa Valley Blvd.
The food truck was dumping wastewater, storing food items and parking the truck at a house, as opposed to a permitted commissary.
There was no approved sanitizer on the truck, no stem thermometer, no back-up utensils, no knowledge of proper ware-washing steps or required water and food temperatures.
And open milk was being poured and served to customers. According to the permit, the truck’s menu is limited to pre-packaged food items and fountain sodas.
They were selling cookies and syrups which were stored at the operator’s home. The cookies were made at the owner’s house.
A food handler scooped customer ice after taking payment and without washing hands.
Scoops and soda nozzles were not being properly cleaned and sanitized.
The owner did not respond to our phone call or text requesting comment.
Click here to see the health report for Soda Bomb.
Click here to see the complaint for Vega Tacos Mexico.
Click here to see the health report for Vega Tacos Mexico.
Click here to see the health report for Los Pioneros LV.
Click here to see the health report for Powerhouse Nutrition.