The following restaurant inspections with critical violations were conducted by Richland Public Health between May 5 and May 6:
• Storyside Café, 541 Ohio 97 W., Bellville, May 5. Presence of rodents (critical repeat). Observed mouse droppings inside cabinets along back wall. Remove all evidence of mouse droppings and contact licensed pest control company. Correct by May 12.
• Dairy Queen, 273 Glessner Ave., Mansfield, May 5. Quaternary ammonium sanitizing solution at incorrect temperature, concentration, and/or water hardness (critical, corrected during inspection). Sanitizer solution in the three compartment sink was at 100 ppm. Manual wash solution not being maintained at 110 degrees or above (critical, corrected during inspection). Wash water in the three compartment sink was at 85 degrees.
• Speedway #3535, 838 Ohio 97, Bellville, May 5. Food thermometers are not accurate (critical). Food thermometers at sandwich prep counter observed to read 52 degrees and 58 degrees when actual temp of food was 38 degrees. Calibrate thermometers immediately. Food display not properly protected from contamination by consumers (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed apples in customer self service area not protected from contamination. Employee removed apples from sale area.
• Friends Convenient Mart, 1605 Fourth St., Ontario, May 6. Person in charge (PIC) unable to demonstrate knowledge by having no critical violations (critical). Handwashing sink not accessible (critical, corrected during inspection). Handsink was blocked in the kitchen area by trash and trash can. Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, TCS foods not properly date marked (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed 2 pounds of pepperoni date marked March 1, quarter pound of pepperoni date marked April 12, and three hot dogs with no date mark. Out of date marked foods were voluntarily destroyed. Improper use of a poisonous or toxic substance (critical, corrected during inspection).
Observed Raid fly spray on a low shelf in the kitchen. Improper storage of poisonous or toxic materials (critical, corrected during inspection). Chemicals stored over single-use paper food containers. Presence of live rodents (critical). Observed mouse droppings in the back storage area. PIC stated a pest control employee had been in the week before and reported no activity. PIC will call the pest control company to do a new inspection. Correct by May 16.
Water source and/or hot water capacity not sufficient (critical). There was only 77 degree water at the three compartment sink, kitchen hand sink, men's room hand sink, and 88 degrees at the women's hand sink. Inspection showed a small hot water heater not sufficient to have hot water at peak usage. Contact licensed plumber and correct by May 16. Insufficient air gap between the flood rim and the water supply inlet of the Pepsi fountain machine (critical). Correct by May 16.
• Smokin' Bros BBQ, 1041 Park Avenue West, Mansfield, May 6. Handwashing sink is being used for purposes other than handwashing (critical repeat, corrected during inspection). Hand sink observed with cans in it. Quaternary ammonium sanitizing solution at incorrect temperature, concentration, and/or water hardness (critical, corrected during inspection). Spray bottle had strength of greater than 500 ppm. PIC remade product. Working containers of poisonous or toxic materials not properly labeled (critical, corrected during inspection).Spray bottle observed without legible common name of chemical.
• Madison Middle School, 1419 Grace St., Mansfield, May 6. PIC did not ensure employees are proplerly maintaining temperatures of TCS foods during hot and cold storage (critical, corrected during inspection). Two critical violations for not properly hot holding TCS foods were observed. Handwashing sink not accessible (critical, corrected during inspection).
Cart of bananas was observed obstructing hand wash station. TCS foods not being hot held at the proper temperature (critical, corrected during inspection). Meatloaf sandwich measured at 127 degrees while on serving line. Item was reheated to over 165 degrees. TCS foods not being hot held at the proper temperature (critical, corrected during inspection). Potato triangles were measured at 119 degrees while on the serve line. Items were reheated to over 165 degrees.
• J B's Drive In, 265 S. Delaware St., Lexington, May 6. Food not properly protected from contamination by separation, packaging, and segregation (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed raw ground beef thawing in a container above a bag of soft serve mix inside of the walk-in cooler.
Quaternary ammonium sanitizing solution at incorrect temperature, concentration, and/or water hardness (critical repeat, corrected during inspection). Observed a bucket of sanitizer under the front counter at 100 ppm. PIC refilled solution to a concentration of 200 ppm.
For full inspection details, visit