And just like that, travel is back.
It seems half the people in my social feeds are at points across the globe at any given moment, and I just returned from a couple of weeks in Paris. While this trip was for a writing workshop (that was bumped a couple of years from the original 2020 plans), the real reason I’m always there is to eat. If you, like 33 million other people, are headed to Paris this year, I’d like to share some favorites with a twist ― the high-low approach.
Paris may be home to some of the finest fine dining in the world and temples of haute cuisine, but it’s also a place where you can find all manner of delicious food and drink without needing to empty the piggy bank (especially now with the dollar at a record high against the euro; they’re roughly even!). And trying a spendy and a saver version of a dining experience is a fun way to explore any city’s food scene. The same rules can apply to Louisville, too. Think of this as a template for how to splurge and save on a day of dining at home.
So, here are three high-low options for food lovers in the City of Lights this summer.
The art of brunching has caught on in Paris in a big way, so you’ll find Parisians lining up for this American tradition. Choose your own adventure: go all in on glamor with the Champagne brunch at the Plaza, or feast on a spread at a cultural center on the outskirts of the city.
If you’re collecting Michelin stars and/or feel like getting fancy, book yourself into Sunday brunch at the sumptuous Jean Imbert au Plaza Athénée. It’s a hefty price tag at 140 euros, but that’s a fraction of the cost of dinner at the restaurant. And here’s the real kicker: they don’t say this on the menu, but the glass of Champagne included with brunch (specifically Moet the day my friends and I were there) can be refilled if you ask. As it turns out, it can be refilled a few times as you’re digging into lobster with truffled eggs, baskets of pastries, pungent plates of cheese, and some of the most vibrantly flavored fruit yours truly has ever enjoyed.
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You’ll feel like the glitterati (or maybe Marie Antoinette, reincarnated) sipping bubbly under the massive crystal chandeliers. Plan on this being a most of the afternoon affair ― service is leisurely.
As an alternative to the gilt-encrusted Plaza, head north to the village of Belleville, a 35-minute bike ride and a world away. Perched on a hill overlooking the city, this diverse neighborhood is still priced within reach of the non-trust-fund set, and the cafe at the art and cultural center La Bellevilloise draws lines for its bountiful buffet on Sundays. Just 32 euros gets you as much to eat as you like plus live jazz in a sunny, funky space. Yes, the cheese and bread alone would be perfection, but save room for the chocolate mousse!
Did you know the French are some of the biggest consumers of pizza in the world? Thanks to their fondness for this comfort food, you can get legitimately good pizza in Paris. To wit, Bricktop Pizza, an unassuming little place on the Canal Saint Martin in the trendy 10th arrondissement, serves up Neapolitan-style pies with toppings like stracciatella (the creamy heart of burrata), truffled ricotta, and 18-month prosciutto di Parma. Grab a table outside to watch life unfold along the leafy canal, and even with a glass of wine you’re out the door for less than 20 euros.
For a more posh meal on the water, reserve lunch on the terrace at la Rôtisserie d’Argent. This bistro/sister restaurant to the fabled Tour D’Argent offers a terrace along a bridge straight out of a Paris film set. It's famous for its pressed duck, but the menu reads like a primer on classic French cuisine; think escargot, beef tartare, duck fat potatoes, ile flottante, a dessert consisting of meringue floating on crème anglaise. The red and white checkered tablecloths, postcard views over the Seine river and its islands, and waiters who appear to have come from central casting add up to a most quintessential Parisian experience.
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When it comes to pinch-me-I’m-in-Paris moments, it’s hard to top a rooftop bar. Sweeping views over the city await at the Hôtel Raphael’s 7th floor hanging garden and terrace bar in the chi-chi 16th arrondissement. You’ll pay a pretty penny for the sophisticated cocktails, but with the Eiffel Tower seemingly close enough to reach out and touch, it’s worth the 30-euro splurge. Try the Litz, a summer-perfect, delicate creation with Lillet rosé, bergamot liqueur, soda water, and rosé Champagne and a snack to share like the truffled Croque Monsieur. Above all, take your time and enjoy that view.
For a chiller vibe, friendly bartenders, and drinks at about a tenth of the cost, head to the cobbled alley Rue Quincampoix in the 3rd, near the modern art museum the Pompidou, for the convivial L’Art du Bistrot. Pull up a wooden chair right at the wide open window and order a board of mixed cheeses and hams to go with the inexpensive wine, and settle in for an evening of imagining this is your own neighborhood bar.
Tell Dana! Send your restaurant “Dish” to Dana McMahan at and follow @bourbonbarbarella on Instagram.