Announcement posted by zanthii communications 30 Aug 2022
Australian poultry success story, Lenard’s has partnered with leading wholesale distribution warehouse, Metcash to supply its iconic handmade chicken products to hundreds of independent supermarkets across Australia. In a move that has seen stockists increase from approximately 100 to several hundred, Lenard’s has signed agreements with Metcash across several states including Queensland, Victoria, and notably, South Australia. With sales of over $16 billion in FY21, Metcash distributes products to over 1,500 independent supermarkets around Australia, including IGA, Foodland, Romeo’s, Drakes Queensland, and the IGA Ritchies group. "Metcash is such a big supporter of Lenard's," said Lenard’s Chief Executive Officer, Harry Rumpler. “Our partnership with Metcash means we are now available to all food markets in South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania and Queensland, with Western Australia and New South Wales to come soon. Supermarkets are particularly excited as we have not been available in most of these regions for a number of years." Offering 10 deli lines and 15 meat case lines, the two categories service different demographics, with deli lines aimed at traditional shoppers who prefer purchasing items individually from behind a deli-style glass-front refrigerated display cabinet, while meat case lines are pre-packaged and targeted at a more "grab-and-go" style consumer. Lenard’s products, including top-selling Chicken Kievs, Enchiladas, Jumbos, Cordon Bleus and Pinwheels, are now delivered to stores in a frozen state, which provides supermarkets with more convenience and less wastage, as they can sell the products frozen or thawed when required. Lenard's exhibited at the recent Metcash Food Expo 2022 on the Gold Coast for the first time in several years, giving the much-loved Australian brand an opportunity to showcase its deli and meat case range, and upcoming Christmas range to supermarket retailers. The Metcash partnership is the first major strategy implemented by Harry Rumpler who was appointed as Chief Executive Officer in July this year after spending several months in the role of Chief Operating Officer, gaining an understanding of the different areas of the business. "Lenard's has traditionally been at the forefront of value-added chicken, and this will not change moving forward as our research and development team is constantly looking at opportunities and market trends to excite our customers and keep our range fresh and exciting," said Mr Rumpler. ENDS For interview/photo requests, please contact: Joanne Rahn Director Zanthii Communications Phone: 0402 148 334 Email: Website: Facebook: