Gina Campo shows a top-of-the-line matching refrigerator and freezer paired together on display at Campo Better Living appliances in Metairie, La. Thursday, April 8, 2021. (Photo by Max Becherer,, The Times-Picayune | The New Orleans Advocate)
A Subzero refrigerator, rescued from New Orleans after Katrina, is still humming away nearly 13 years later.
Gina Campo shows a top-of-the-line matching refrigerator and freezer paired together on display at Campo Better Living appliances in Metairie, La. Thursday, April 8, 2021. (Photo by Max Becherer,, The Times-Picayune | The New Orleans Advocate)
A Subzero refrigerator, rescued from New Orleans after Katrina, is still humming away nearly 13 years later.
If you are sweating it out right now in the powerless region pummeled by Hurricane Ida, you are probably cooking and eating the food in your freezer and refrigerator before it goes bad. Evacuees, however, are going to have to deal with it. Somehow.
An angel named Ron came the day after the storm passed and cleaned out what was left in our refrigerator and freezer and unplugged it. Most likely, Ron saved our appliance, and hundreds of dollars.
Marie Burton rode out Hurricane Ida praying inside her 2007 Lexus sedan with a COPD nebulizer for company. She was parked in front of her dark…
You should try to find an angel ASAP if you are watching events from afar, as I am. One of my neighbors has already gotten a $300 settlement from her insurance company for her lost food. She was smarter than me and threw away everything before she took off for Florida.
What to do when you return if you couldn’t find an angel? Put on those rubber gloves and a mask and remove everything; discard. Now you are ready to clean and deodorize. Refrigerators and freezers that sit around with rotten food in them can smell extremely bad.
Here are some food and water safety tips for after a hurricane. Even if partially thawed, you can cook/refreeze food as long as it hasn’t risen above 40 degrees. Remember, when in doubt, throw it out! #HurricanePrep #lawx #mswx
LSU AgCenter Housing Specialist Claudette Reichel had this advice. Procedures may need to be repeated.
Did you know you should clean off cans that came in contact with flood water? Check out this graphic for more useful food and water tips to protect you and your family.
Thousands of residents, anxious to find gas, food and booze after two nights of camping in their unair-conditioned homes, took to their cars T…
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Hurricane Ida had brought New Orleans to its knees almost everywhere, except the Man chu Food Store on Claiborne Avenue in Treme. There, the d…
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