GRAND FORKS COUNTY COMMISSION MEETING May 17, 2022 – 4:00 P.M. The Board met pursuant to adjournment with Commissioners Falck, Rost, Engen, Knauf and Pic present. Moved by Rost, seconded by Knauf, to approve the minutes of the May 3, 2022 meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Rost, seconded by Pic, to approve the order of the agenda, adding the County Engineer after item 5. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Knauf, seconded by Engen, to approve the consent agenda. Items in the consent agenda included: bills as submitted by the County Auditor, check #41120 - Infoarmor, Inc- $308.53, 41121 – DCI Credit Service Inc- $351.99, 41122 - Florida State Disbursement Unit- $163.39, 41123 - Ingenuity Rm, LLC- $195.46, 41124 - Rodenburg Law Firm-Fargo- $156.53, 41125 - Sd Child Support- $121.17, 41126 - City of Emerado (Hwy)- $79.94, 41127 - City of Northwood (Hwy)- $121.39, 41128 - City of Thompson (Hwy)- $73.91, 41129 - Advance Auto Parts- $78.99, 41130 - Alcohol Monitoring Systems, Inc.- $1479.5, 41131 - Alerus Center- $1000, 41132 - Altru Clinic-Main- $1856, 41133 - Altru Health System (978)- $21999.18, 41134 - Anderson Donna- $73.44, 41135 - Andrus, Victoria R - $92.62, 41136 - Bell Insurance- $2571, 41137 - Burggraf’s Ace Hardware- $114.94, 41138 - C & R Laundry- $130.5, 41139 - Caillier, Amy & Ross- $200, 41140 - Cass County Clerk of Court- $300, 41141 - Cellmer Bushy, Christy L- $20.48, 41142 - CHS Inc - Warren- $7259.51, 41143 - City of Grand Forks-Police Dept- $79.08, 41144 - City of Grand Forks-Water- $6271.16, 41145 - Clerk of Distric Court- $1687.85, 41146 - Code 2 Canine Service LLC- $449.98, 41147 - Community Service Program- $2205, 41148 - Dalsted, Tracy L. - $591.72, 41149 - Deere Credit Inc- $2985.58, 41150 - Dejarlais, Laura Anne- $4599, 41151 - Development Homes- $398.75, 41152 - Dickinson State University- $1000, 41153 - Droneanalytics Inc- $1799, 41154 - East Central Regional Water District- $60, 41155 - Ecolab Pest Elimination Div- $92.1, 41156 - Enterprise Rent-A -Car- $328, 41157 - First Collections Inc- $356.21, 41158 - Fleming Makayla- $120.51, 41159 - Forum Communications - Fargo- $10.53, 41160 - GF Public Health Department- $812.85, 41161 - GF Welding & Machine- $472.08, 41162 - Good Friends Bar & Cafe- $150, 41163 - Grand Sky Construction Company LLC- $178747.78, 41164 - Greg’s Lawn & Landscape- $2405, 41165 - Hammond, Chelsea- $10.88, 41166 - Hit Inc- $331.47, 41167 - Hugo’s #2- $242.92, 41168 - Information Systems Corporatio- $2265, 41169 - Information Technology Dept- $3682.7, 41170 - Integrity Homecare and Counseling- $283.8, 41171 - Iowa 4-H State Office- $35, 41172 - Keller Jalissa Spanier- $30.42, 41173 - Knain Jolaine- $71.96, 41174 - Knight Printing- $366.3, 41175 - Knutson Carrie- $146.84, 41176 - Kronos- $536.24, 41177 - Linde Gas & Equipment Inc- $61.66, 41178 - Lipp Carlson & Assoc Ltd- $150, 41179 - Lommen Kathy- $30, 41180 - Lund Jacki- $287.27, 41181 - Manvel Oil Coop- $4796.11, 41182 - Marco -Tx- $692.24, 41183 - Marco Technologies LLC- $403.99, 41184 - Matthew Bender & Co Inc.- $171.81, 41185 - McKesson Medical Surgical- $476.96, 41186 - Menards- $112.37, 41187 - Midcontinent Communications- $163.39, 41188 - Motion Industries Inc- $1805.15, 41189 - Myles Kami Jo- 363.29, 41190 - ND Child Support- $531.21, 41191 - ND County Recorder’s Assoc- $230, 41192 - ND DHS Finance Dept- $204, 41193 - ND DHS Finance Dept- $6577.45, 41194 - NDSU Ag Communication- $175, 41195 - Nelson International- $1232.13, 41196 - Networking Specialists- $4600.75, 41197 - Northern Plumbing Supply- $473.29, 41198 - Northwest Tire- $261.29, 41199 - O’Reilly Auto Parts- $902.18, 41200 - Olson, Mikaela E - $287.41, 41201 - Ottertail Power Co-Devils Lake- $507.06, 41202 - Perez, Armando- $30, 41203 - Peru- $4314.6, 41204 - Polk County Sheriff- $400.64, 41205 - Premium Waters, Inc- $94.03, 41206 - Prevent Child Abuse ND- $48, 41207 - RDO Truck Center- $9678.75, 41208 - Red River Flags- $345, 41209 - Roue, Emily- $305.38, 41210 - Safe Kids- $95, 41211 - Schumacher, Sydney M - $72.54, 41212 - Seeba Beth A- $32.76, 41213 - Shook, Patricia E- $25.74, 41214 - Social Security Administration_ 2949- $1275, 41215 - Sodexo America, LLC- $1274.37, 41216 - Staples Advantage- $73.87, 41217 - Staples Business Credit- $600.76, 41218 - Steele County Clerk of Court- $2500, 41219 - Structural Materials Inc- $1337.84, 41220 - Suedel Amy- $197.74, 41221 - SWS Credit Services, Inc.- $3573.42, 41222 - Thomson West- $1830.6, 41223 - Tic Inc- $711, 41224 - Topcon Positioning Systems Inc- $504, 41225 - Tri-County Water District- $57, 41226 - True North Equipment- $267.98, 41227 - Valley Dairy- $157.33, 41228 - Van Diest Supply Company- $23750, 41229 - Van Heste, Chelsea- $547.82, 41230 - Vasek Construction Inc- $5631.53, 41231 - Verizon Wireless - Newark Nj- $3137.37, 41232 - Walsh County Clerk of Court- $200, 41233 - Waste Management of Wi-Mn- $1695.37, 41234 - Worsley Danielle E- $136.66, ACH payment to Acme Electric/Tool Crib of Nor - $442.73, - Advanced Business Methods - $612.62, - All Embracing Home Care LLC - $195.72, - Allstate Peterbilt - $50.59, - Amundson Funeral Home - $2300, - Balco Uniform Co - $2112.65, - Border States Electric Supply - $1466.07, - Business Essentials - $590.17, - Century Electric Inc. - $398.98, - Cole Paper Inc. - $685.39, - Dennie’s Delivery Inc - $240, - Desert Snow - $649, - Dietzler Electric LLC - $8400, - Docu Shred Inc - $287, - Evident - $40, - Express Auto Glass - $422, - Farmers Oil Co - $8514, - Forterra Concrete Products Inc - $61890.72, - Galls An Aramark Company - $149.45, - GF Fire Equipment Company - $414, - Global Safety Network - $309, - Holiday Inn Express-Minot - $86.4, - Home Care Companions - $90.87, - Home of Economy - $395.13, - ICS Inc - $20848, - Interstate Power Systems Inc - $4148, - Interstate Towing & Recovery - $2101.3, - Keith’s Security World - $2619.5, - KLJ - $21755.88, - Marco Technologies LLC - Pa - $1018.29, - Nelson Auto Center Inc - $36116.84, - Nelsonink.Com - $545, - Northdale Oil - $30592.87, - Office Depot-Chicago - $240.41, - Phoenix Supply - $4174.7, - Ps Door Services - $437.89, - RDO Trust Account #80-5800 - $219.24, - Reliance Telephone Systems Inc - $349.35, - Royal Tire Inc - $3862.04, - Rydell Chevrolet - $33.93, - Seachange Print Innovations - $516.9, - Sound Decision - $414.13, - Stein’s Inc. - $351.34, - Stericycle Inc - $123.09, - Stones Mobile Radio Inc - $373.02, - Summit Food Services LLC - $15532.91, - Telelanguage Inc - $208.6, - Titan Machinery-GF - $2361.5, - Truenorth Steel - $9862.9, - Vaaler Insurance Inc - $150, - Valley Truck - $27.4, - VM Findley Consulting LLC - $8000, - Xcel Energy - Mpls - $42560.27, and purchasing card transaction in the amount of $37,899.88; employee status changes for Kelsey Schaf, Andrew Williams, Kyle Moen, Taya McElrath, Kirsten Yang Allen, Gracie Lian, Virgie Jackson, Jacob Smith, James Wright, Corey Haller, Samantha Schmidt, Brittney Neil, Matthew Abrahamson, Vicky Lovell and Kristen Hanson; overtime; and April financial report. Motion carried unanimously. Brad Gerken, Grand Sky Construction Company, addressed the board. Moved by Pic, seconded by Rost, to accept the bid from Opp Construction for $156,000 for the Alternate Bid Quantities inclusive of the payment and performance bond. This will be paid from the 21-23.036 Grand Forks Enhanced Use Lease Development Grant. Motion carried unanimously. Nick West, County Engineer, gave an update on the flooding in Grand Forks County. Moved by Engen, seconded by Knauf, to approve the Chair and Auditor’s signature on a ND Department of Transportation Grant for the Grand Forks County Water Board. The Water Board will be responsible for the local match on the grant. Motion carried unanimously. Nicole Evans and Greg Syrup, ND Small Business Development Centers, gave an update. Lane Magnuson, County Planner, addressed the board. Moved by Pic, seconded by Rost, to approve the application of Ottertail Power Company for an amendment of their Special Use Permit to allow the expansion of the existing substation in the NE ¼ of section 8, Gilby Township. Motion carried unanimously. Robin Spain, Juvenile Detention Administrator, addressed the board. Moved by Rost, seconded by Engen, to approve the purchase of APX 6500 radios for Juvenile Detention at a cost of $42,460.10 to paid with APRA funds. The State will reimburse $12,000 of this cost. Motion carried unanimously. The ARPA Expenditure Category will be 6.1. Bill Gerszewski, Building and Grounds Manager, addressed the board. Moved by Engen, seconded by Pic, to approve the Chair’s signature on a Johnson Controls Chiller Extended Warranty Proposal for $33,405 to be paid from capital improvements. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Engen, seconded by Rost, to approve the Chair’s signature on a Johnson Controls Chiller Cottonwood Screen Proposal for $16,570 to be paid from capital improvements. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Engen, seconded by Pic, to approve the Chair’s signature on a Johnson Controls Chiller Planned Service Proposal to be paid from the Buildings and Ground’s budget. Motion carried unanimously. Debbie Nelson, Finance and Tax Director, addressed the board. Moved by Pic, seconded by Rost, to approve the Initial Resolution for Limited Tax Capital Projects Fund Bonds for a maximum amount of $35,000,000 with the Chair’s signature. Motion carried unanimously. Tom Ford, Director of Administration, addressed the board. Moved by Knauf, seconded by Engen, to approve the Chair’s signature on the NDDOT Grant Application for Safe Kids Grand Forks. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Rost, seconded by Pic, to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 5:01pm. The next meeting will be held on June 7, 2022 at 4:00pm. _________________ Thomas H. Falck, Chairman Grand Forks County Commission _________________ Debbie Nelson, County Auditor (June 15, 2022) 73019