Lorelai and Rory enjoy a lot of delicious food on Gilmore Girls, and Sookie loves to cook. Reddit fans are sharing the food that they would eat IRL.
Whether Rory and Lorelai are eating pancakes at Luke's diner or ordering pizza all the time, food is a big deal on Gilmore Girls. Since beloved characters Luke and Sookie love to cook and keep the mother and daughter fed on a regular basis, fans have been treated to many delicious-looking meals and dishes on the popular show.
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After seeing some mouthwatering cheeseburgers and donuts on Gilmore Girls, fans have taken to Reddit to share the foods that they have enjoyed watching on the series and that viewers would gladly eat IRL.
When looking back on food mentioned on Gilmore Girls, Redditor IR0413 wrote "Mock turtle soup for Richard when gran passes away." Mock turtle soup is from England and is made with ground beef, broth, tomato puree, hard-boiled eggs, lemon, and some other ingredients.
Richard losing his mom is one of the saddest things that Richard experiences on Gilmore Girls, and in his moment of grief and heartbreak, he wants a nostalgic and comforting meal.
When talking about foods that Lorelai and Rory enjoy regularly, Redditor kim15784 wrote, "The girls love Tater tots for appetisers."
The characters love this potato-based snack so much that Lorelai even says in the Netflix revival A Year In The Life that "tater tots are great in tacos." Lorelai and Rory eat a wide variety of junk food and they often get inventive when it comes to how to put meals together.
For Redditor makdoll, "I can't think of the food or word 'Pudding' without thinking of Emily having pudding" during one of the Friday Night Dinner scenes.
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In season 1, Lorelai is unexpectedly pleased to see pudding on the dessert menu at Emily and Richard's house. Emily acts like it's no problem at all because she knows that Lorelai likes this sweet, but Lorelai can tell that there's a deeper and more crucial meaning here. Emily is reaching out and trying to show Lorelai that she cares. Pudding is definitely one of the most memorable foods mentioned on the show.
When replying to a fan who wanted to put together a Gilmore Girls themed meal, Redditor srd1017 suggested "Sookie’s risotto."
This is one of Sookie's best Gilmore Girls scenes as she brings a glass of wine and her risotto to the house of a food critic because he said that it was simply "fine." Sookie feels that this dish is super special because when she gave it to her mom when she was sick, her mom lived a bit longer. Sookie is an accomplished chef and fans can guess that this dish is amazing.
Redditor THAT_GIRL16 wrote that of the food mentioned on the series, "The Santa burger didn't sound that bad."
In the season 1 episode "Forgiveness and Stuff," Emily tells Lorelai that she can't come to her annual holiday party because of the epic fight they had over Rory being late coming home from her Chilton dance. Lorelai is distraught at missing the delicious apple tarts and Luke tries to make her feel better by making a burger that looks like Christmas. The burger has olives, ketchup, and cream cheese.
Gilmore Girls fans like Luke's diner thanks to Luke's hilarious personality and the food that is always on display.
Redditor jedikitty wrote that there is often a "really delicious looking carrot cake under glass" sitting on the counter of Luke's diner. There are always great baked goods at the restaurant, from donuts to pastries, and the characters enjoy these on a regular basis. Luke's diner is one of the core settings and it's always sweet to see how comfortable Rory and Lorelai are there.
Redditor nattrbutter loves when Sookie makes ratatouille "with another farmer’s veggies" and added that Sookie "wouldn’t let Jackson try" the dish.
When they're just friends and also when they become something more, Jackson and Sookie have a hilarious relationship where they banter, bicker, and joke about produce. Sookie tells Michel that she doesn't feel guilty and can't waste "perfectly good vegetables" that she has been given. Of course, Sookie does feel badly, and when her kitchen staff love the dish more than usual, she feels even worse.
Fans love the season 4 episode "The Hobbit, the Sofa and Digger Stiles" because Lorelai and Sookie cater a children's birthday party with a The Lord of the Rings theme. The joke is that Sookie doesn't know what food kids would enjoy and she makes super fancy stuff that they're a bit nervous about.
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Redditor MelaKeto pictures the "jalapeño chipotle mac and cheese" Sookie cooks for this gathering when thinking about the food mentioned on the show. This definitely sounds delicious.
When replying to a post about the foods from the series that fans would want to try, Redditor Beautiful_Uproar wrote, "Luke's cheeseburger."
Some of the best Gilmore Girls moments in Luke's diner involve Lorelai and Rory ordering burgers and sometimes joking about how the lettuce on top counts as a nutritious vegetable. While eating burgers at the diner, Lorelai and Rory get to know Luke better, with Luke becoming a big part of Rory's life and Lorelai and Luke falling deeply in love.
One Redditor loves "Sookie's peach sauce from the pilot episode," which Lorelai tries and goes wild over.
Sookie tells Lorelai that she'll serve it with waffles and Lorelai says "I want to take a bath in that sauce!" While this sauce sounds amazing, this is also a significant moment between the two friends as Lorelai tells Sookie that she has to be more careful in the kitchen so she doesn't hurt herself and they can finally open their own inn together.
NEXT: 10 Facts About The Gilmore Girls Pilot Only Die-Hard Fans Know
Aya Tsintziras is a freelance writer who writes about pop culture and TV. She has a Political Science degree from the University of Toronto and a Masters of Journalism from Ryerson University. She loves coffee, reading, working out, and watching TV. She lives in Toronto with her husband.