ELKHART LAKE - Order a single cone at Gessert's Ice Cream and Confectionary and you get two scoops of Cedar Crest Ice Cream. Three scoops in a double cone.
Extra licks lengthen the leisurely summer indulgence of enjoying an ice cream. At Gessert's, that's a chance to chat with family and friends while seated in a 1920s era wooden booth. Or look at black and white photos of Gessert's dating back to its opening in 1922. Big band and jazz music playing in the background provides the cherry on top of this old-fashioned ice cream parlor experience.
From the green lettering and striped awning over the entrance to the vintage Coca-Cola sign in the backroom, owners Ryan and Michelle Moeller say it's more than the ice cream that makes Gessert's special.
"It’s not just what you’re eating, it's the experience ... the fun atmosphere," Michelle said.
When you walk through Gessert's front entrance, the ice cream and confections compete for your sweet tooth.
Homemade fudge anchors the wood and glass display case to your right. Chocolates, hard candy, gummies and sweet treats fill the rest of the display case and jars on top of the counter, behind the counter and shelves. It's a sugar retreat for kids of all ages.
On the other side, Gessert's crew pours batter into waffle makers for cones. They make 200 to 300 cones a day during peak visitor (and ice cream) season from July through August. Hand-dipped ice cream — choose from 24 flavors — fills cones and dishes. Or get blended into malts or shakes.
RELATED: 5 small-town Wisconsin ice cream shops with big-city flavor worth the drive this summer
Despite the tempting aroma of fresh waffles wafting about, the Moellers say banana splits and sundaes are big sellers.
"We don’t have that big of menu. It’s ice cream and the concoctions that go with it," Ryan said. "We keep it pretty traditional."
It's hard to find a more traditional treat than real cherry Coke and ice cream sodas. Both are made with Gessert's old-fashioned soda fountain. For those unfamiliar with ice cream sodas, they are made with flavored syrup, ice cream and carbonated soda water from Gessert's soda fountain.
Chocolate ice cream sodas (yes, made with chocolate syrup) are particularly popular with the more seasoned ice cream parlor veterans.
“We’ve got generations coming here since they were little kids and they’re bringing their grandkids, which is really cool," Michelle said.
Bernice and Harry Gessert opened a confectionary in 1922 in the building to the left of the current location. After a few successful years, the Gesserts moved the business next door to 99 S. Lake St.
The Gesserts lived with their daughter, Yvonne, above the store until she was 8 years old. That's when they moved in with Harry's father, Cornelius, in the house across the street. Cornelius had been instrumental in securing funds to open the confectionary and when not delivering mail, his full-time job, helped as needed with the growing business.
Yvonne still lives in the house and said she still visits with Gessert's customers who have become friends through the years.
RELATED: Sweet memories: Sheboygan couple reopens Gessert's
Gessert's Ice Cream and Confectionary was a fully operational restaurant and store carrying goods that appealed to tourists. Inflatable toys for a trip to the nearby lake. Film for cameras. Sunscreen. Bug spray and so forth.
Open from 6:30 a.m. to 1:30 a.m., Gessert's served breakfast, lunch, dinner and late night lunches. Gessert's served sandwiches and malted milks to the night owls.
"I did nothing but make malts and malts and malts during the second lunch," Yvonne said.
To keep Gessert's open 19 hours, they hired college students and local folks looking for supplemental income. Many of the college women who worked as servers for the summer stayed in a dormitory-style room above the shop.
Sometime in the late '60s, Yvonne said her parents stopped serving full meals.
Yvonne, who had started working in the shop at age 13, helped her family run the business until her parents retired in 1978. That's when Yvonne and her husband, Ed Landgraf, become Gessert's owners.
It remained a Gessert family business until 2015.
"When you’re in business that long, you become a little tired and the enthusiasm wanes," Yvonne said of the decision to sell Gessert's.
She was looking for someone who is enthusiastic and knew what they were getting into.
That's where Ryan and Michelle come in. They were already running a successful ice cream parlor, South Pier Parlor in Sheboygan. Furthermore, Yvonne said the Moellers respected the Gessert name and seemed enthusiastic.
Ryan's enthusiasm for ice cream parlors dates back to his childhood.
"We’d go camping and go find an ice cream parlor. We’d go to Door County, go to the ice cream parlor. We’d go to Michigan, go to the ice cream parlor. That was just the thing we did," Ryan said.
As Ryan and Michelle were raising kids of their own, Ryan wanted to take them to an ice cream parlor. At the time, Sheboygan lacked such a place.
"I thought, we need an ice cream parlor," Ryan said.
The Moellers spent a year visiting and researching historic ice cream parlors in Wisconsin and the Midwest.
In 2010, they opened South Pier Parlor and within a few years became successful enough for Ryan to quit his full-time job in roofing sales.
"I like the old ice cream parlors, the ones that have been around so we modeled the design of South Pier around that 1920s to 1930s look," Ryan said. "So that’s why I was so interested in this. It’s an authentic 1920s parlor."
Ryan developed a relationship with Yvonne. He even mailed her a handwritten letter expressing their interest in buying Gessert's.
"When we met last year and had the chance to learn more about the history of Gesserts and Elkhart Lake, we fell in love with your store and the surrounding community and thought it would be a perfect fit for what we love to do." — Excerpt from the letter from Ryan to Yvonne.
Guests can read the letter that's displayed on a shelf just past the ice cream dipping cabinet.
While renovating Gessert's, Ryan learned that a storage room in the back had been used as a gaming room at one point. Yvonne thinks her parents may have had slot machine or something like that back there for a season.
Gaming rooms weren't unheard of in Elkhart Lake during the 1930s.
As "kind of a history guy," Ryan played on that. Black and white photos of law enforcement raids in Elkhart Lake and the destruction of blackjack tables and slot machines decorate one wall in the room. Note: None of the photos are of Gessert's.
Ryan bought an antique blackjack table, like one of the tables shown in a photo, a roulette wheel, three old-time slot machines and few other gaming pieces to round out the historic ambiance.
On the other side of the room is a 1950s diner-style counter. It was the main counter at Gessert's when the Moellers bought the parlor. Ryan said it didn’t flow with the hardwood frames and booths so they had it restored it and put it back here. Hanging on the wall behind the counter is a vintage Coca-Cola sign that once hung out front at Gessert's.
Removing the counter from the front of the store opened space to build a new counter with an old look.
They used the photo of Harry standing inside Gessert's and other photos provided by Yvonne to re-create the counter. Similar design elements adorn the custom-built ice cream dipping cabinet.
The historic pictures from Yvonne, which are mixed in with other vintage signs throughout the main parlor, include handwritten notes and dates.
The Moellers transformed the upstairs living quarters into a pair of suites that can be rented. Located in the heart of Elkhart Lake, it offers prime viewing for parades while being within walking distance of the lake.
“I fell in love with this place," Ryan said. "It’s been a good experience and Elkhart has been behind us."
Contact Daniel Higgins dphiggin@gannett.com. Follow @HigginsEats on Twitter and Instagram and like on Facebook.