Are you one of those lucky people who get to have really long holidays? Or were you forced to take the mandatory corporate block leave because it will expire? In any case, if you have some hours to fill and are getting bored otherwise, here are some ideas.
Homes need a lot of work, but regular maintenance issues often remain unattended in the everyday work hassles. Think of the slightly drippy faucet, or the window pane that doesn't glide as smoothly, or the door knob/bolt that is a bit jammed. It could require just a few minutes of your own efforts, or a professional handyman, but check and finish these for a stress-free experience later on.
Except for those rare few who are always on top of their closet situation, these spaces tend to get full of things strangely fast. Take these free hours to sort the closets, clothes, linens, and everything else, and make piles for donation and dumping. Enjoy the free space and sense of accomplishment once done.
With most of our times spent on digital devices, a lot of clutter accumulates in out online storages and clouds too. Think of all the screenshots or the duplicate pictures of the same item or event! It is a tedious and time-consuming project to clean all this up. Start and you will see the hours disappear.
Think of all those little things we see online and think "hey, I could do that!" What better time than now to find and do one? The same applies to long forgotten hobbies which once gave us so much joy. The materials are probably still lying around in a box in some closet or shelf. Kill time and relive the joy by going back to a once loved hobby.
There is something quite relaxing and therapeutic about colouring in patterns and designs. There is also a sense of doing something or rather creating something beautiful. Indulge your creative side with adult colouring books. You can also find activity boxes with a canvas and detailed instructions on how to create artwork inside. Why not make one to put on display in your own room?
Schools teach us a lot of life skills, but doing our own taxes is sadly not one of them. Learn this critical life skill for yourself, and once proficient, you can help out friends and family too. Use free time to do the base work of your taxes to make it easy for you during submissions.
No better time to do the yearly medical check-up, including teeth and eyes, during the long work break. It allows for a non-rushed experience, and lets you stay on top on your health situation. Win-win!
While idling around the house, Ted Talks can be a fun way to just hang out with yourself while low key engaging with something that's either fun or informative or even motivational. Take your pick of the multitudes of Ted Talks and podcasts.
Think of those people you miss having more interaction with, but life happened and you drifted apart. Pick up the phone and call or text. If possible, to see them in person. Calls which last longer than two minutes will allow you to catch up and have a more meaningful interaction than the cursory polite questions. During the holiday, try to rekindle these bonds and feel better for it.