Food establishments in Greene County are inspected one to three times per year, depending on the type of food served, the population served, the difficulty level of food preparation, and past history.
Issues found during inspections fall into two categories: priority and non-priority. Priority violations are issues that can have a direct impact on the safety of the food and can lead to a restaurant getting shut down if they persist. Non-priority violations are usually centered on things like sanitation or building maintenance.
Here is information from the Springfield-Greene County Health Department regarding restaurant inspections over the past seven days:
Andy's Frozen Custard Inc., 3830 S. Glenstone Ave. 03/28/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. No violations Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Boyd School, 833 E. Division St. 03/28/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 3. Observed: No soap at the employee hand sink by the cook and service line. Observed: No paper towels at the employee hand sink by cook and service line. Observed: Employee restroom located in kitchen found without self-closing door.
Chabom Teas & Spices, 209 E. Commercial St. 03/29/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Priority Violations Found: 1. Observed in 3-vat sink and red bucket sanitizer concentration not within the proper concentration range as stated by the sanitizer manufacturer (200ppm - 400ppm). Corrected by staff during inspection by increasing sanitizer concentration in both 3-vat sink and red bucket. Nonpriority Violations Found: 1. Observed non-potentially hazardous food packaged in store packaging without the name of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor. Items were pulled off shelf to be properly labeled.
Char, 1620 E. Republic St. 03/29/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Permitted with Reinspection. Priority Violations Found: 3. Observed several PHFs being held above 47F on the saute table. Items discarded. Observed several utensils being stored unclean in kitchen area. Items removed to be properly cleaned. Observed open employee drinks in food preparation area. Employee drinks are required to have a lid and straw. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Christian Schools Of Springfield, 2660 N. Grant Ave. 03/28/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. No violations noted during the inspection Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Crazy Hats, 1611 N. Campbell Ave. 03/29/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: . Priority Violations Found: 2. Observed: Bleach sanitizer spray bottle found over 100ppm. Must be at 50ppm to 100pm. Education given and corrected during the inspection. Observed: Pack of brats found outside of original packaging with no date labeling. Education given and corrected during the inspection. Nonpriority Violations Found: 1. Observed: Items no longer in use or needed found in storage area.
Creasian, 501 W. Chestnut Expressway. 03/29/2022 - Compliance Check 2; Result: In Compliance. On site for compliance check. Observed time as a control appropriately marked. Facility has time as a control logs on site, marked appropriately daily since last inspection. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Domino's Pizza, 1241 E. Kearney St. 03/24/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Priority Violations Found: 1. Observed: Spray bottles with cleaner in them found not labeled. Education given and corrected during the inspection. Nonpriority Violations Found: 3. Observed: Back exterior door you can see daylight along the bottom. Observed: Mop found stored in the mop sink. Observed: Employee drinks found without a lid and a straw to avoid cross contamination from employee hands. Education given.
Domino's Pizza, 491 E. Highway 60, Republic. 03/24/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Permitted with Reinspection. Priority Violations Found: 1. Observed: both restrooms in the facility were not functional as they were not able to flush. Required: At least one toilet shall be conveniently provided. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Domino's Pizza, 491 E. Highway 60, Republic. 03/25/2022 - Re-Inspection; Result: Active. Toilets have been unclogged. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Fremont School, 2814 N. Fremont Ave. 03/29/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. No violations noted during the inspection Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Hot Cluckers, 4406 S. Campbell Ave. 03/25/2022 - Re-Inspection; Result: Active. Priority item corrected. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Houlihan's North, 2431 N. Glenstone Ave. 03/24/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Permitted with Reinspection. Priority Violations Found: 2. Observed: Potentially hazardous foods not being held at 41F or below (fish 49F, chicken 44F, batter mix 47F) in the top of fry station cooler. Foods were voluntarily discarded. Observed: Potentially hazardous foods not being held at 41F or below (heavy whipping cream 49F, milk 46F, cheese 46F) in the expo cooler. Foods were voluntarily discarded. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Hy-Vee Deli, 2150 E. Sunshine St. 03/30/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Discussed the requirement to datemark meats held for sampling. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Hy-Vee Fast And Fresh, 2130 E. Sunshine St. 03/30/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 1. Observed: Soda nozzle on self-serve dispensers not clean.
Hy-Vee Kitchen, 2150 E. Sunshine St. 03/30/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Permitted with Reinspection. Discussed using time control for breaded chicken on serving line. Priority Violations Found: 3. Observed: Several cold held foods held at temperatures above 41F. Observed: Rice cooked cooked at 8:00 am still 76F at 2:46pm. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Hy-Vee Meat/Seafood, 2150 E. Sunshine St. 03/30/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Permitted with Reinspection. Discussed using hand sinks for hand washing only, not storing utensils in and providing thermometer for employees use to monitor products temps through out the day. Priority Violations Found: 1. Observed: Seafood and meats held at temperatures above 41F. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Hy-Vee Produce, 2150 E. Sunshine St. 03/30/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. No violations noted. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Hy-Vee Retail/Bakery, 2150 E. Sunshine St. 03/30/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Permitted with Reinspection. Discussed the requirement for the Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker on mop sinks that have a shut-off on the faucet need to be rated for constant pressure, and not placing cardboard from shipping boxes in contact with food. Priority Violations Found: 1. Observed: Smart sausage held at 48F in display cooler. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Jersey Mike's Subs, 1008 E. Battlefield Road. 03/24/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Discussed proper labeling of spray bottles of cleaners and chemicals, proper storage of in use wiping cloths and cleaning frequency of all surfaces in establishment. Priority Violations Found: 1. Observed: Insufficient sanitizer in 3-compartment sink and wiping cloth buckets. Corrected. Nonpriority Violations Found: 1. Observed: Floors not clean under equipment.
Mercy Orthopedic Food Service, 3050 E. Riverbluff Boulevard, Ozark. 03/24/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Mercy Rehabilitation Hospital Springfield Kitchen, 5904 S. Southwood Road. 03/24/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. No violations observed. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Muncy's Supermarket, 112 E. Boone St., Ash Grove. 03/28/2022 - Re-Inspection; Result: Active. The violations cited on 3/22/2022 visit have been corrected and permit will be issued. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Muncy's Supermarket, 112 E. Boone St., Ash Grove. 03/28/2022 - Re-Inspection; Result: Active. All violations except for food storage had been corrected. Permit will be issued Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Mustang Tobacco Shop, 1410 E. Kearney St. 03/24/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 2. Observed: Mop found stored in the mop bucket. Observed: Soda and other drinks found stored directly on the floor.
Papa John's Pizza #1253, 3305 S. Campbell Ave. 03/25/2022 - Suspended Permit Reinspection; Result: Approved. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Park Central Market, 331 Park Central East . 03/30/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 1. Observed multiple soft drink and beer boxes on the floor on display for customer. Corrected by staff by reorganizing display of mentioned food products.
Pipkin Middle School, 1215 N. Boonville Ave. 03/24/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. No violations were observed during the inspection. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Price Cutter #20 Grocery/Meat, 335 N. Nolting Ave. 03/30/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Permitted with Reinspection. Eric was person in charge at time of inspection. A reinspection will be made on 3-31-2022 to check meat grinder. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 3. Observed: The inside of meat grinder in walk-in refrigerator had dried on meat debris. Observed: One spray bottle of oil for meat saw was not labeled. Promptly labeled by staff. Observed: The following areas were not clean: two walk-in freezers had substantial ice buildup on their floors; floor of walk-in milk cooler was not clean and walk-in refrigerator for beverages had lots of product and debris lying on the floor.
Price Cutter #20 Grocery/Meat, 335 N. Nolting Ave. 03/31/2022 - Re-Inspection; Result: Active. I returned to check meat grinder and found it to be clean at this time. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Qdoba Mexican Grill, 900 E. Battlefield Road. 03/24/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 3. Observed: Employees not wearing full head hair restraints. Wearing visors without hair nets. Observed: Single-serve cups stored on front counter exposed to contamination. Observed: Mold growth on non-food contact surface of inside of ice machine.
Rogersville Area Senior Center, 197 S. Marshall St., Rogersville. 03/24/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Select Specialty Hospital, 1630 E. Primrose St. 03/25/2022 - Re-Inspection; Result: Active. Priority violation corrected prior to re-inspection. Cooler temp. was below 41F. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Sonic Drive-In Republic, 790 E. Highway 60, Republic. 03/30/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. No violations. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Strafford Travel Center, 325 E. Evergreen St., Strafford. 03/25/2022 - Re-Inspection; Result: Active. They will start using time control on samosa's. All other priority violations were corrected. Priority Violations Found: 1. Observed: Samosa's held at 109F on hot holding unit. Discarded. Will start using time control on this food item. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Subway 2567, 1120 S. Glenstone Ave. 03/28/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. No violations observed. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Sunshine 1 Inc., 1207 W. Kearney St. 03/30/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: . Priority Violations Found: 2. Observed: Rubbing alcohol found stored above candy bars and cough drops. Education given and corrected during the inspection. Observed: Paint found stored above a box of fried pork skins. Education given and corrected during the inspection. Nonpriority Violations Found: 4. Observed: Walk-in cooler ceiling and vents found not clean. Observed: Boxes of cups and soda found stored directly on the floor. Observed: Employee and customer restroom hand washing sink found with no soap. Observed: Boxes of cups found stored in public restroom. Education given.
Sweet Couture/ European Cafe, 207 Park Central East . 03/28/2022 - Compliance Check 1; Result: In Compliance. Front display cooler is holding temperature (41F or below). Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
The Mane Salon & Social House, 404 W. Walnut St. 03/30/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Priority Violations Found: 2. Observed chemicals stored over food items. Corrected during the inspection by staff re-organizing storage shelf. Observed sanitizer concentration not with in the manufacturer's proper concentration range in the 3-vat solution. Corrected during the inspection by staff making new batch of solution within proper sanitizer concentration. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Willard South Elementary, 4151 W. Division St. 03/29/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Nancy was person in charge at time of inspection. They have another sneeze guard on order. Priority Violations Found: 1. Observed: The low temperature dish machine's final rinse had greater than 200 ppm chlorine. A reinspection will be made on 4-4-2022 to check for correction. Nonpriority Violations Found: 1. Observed: Two drains under 3 vat sink were leaking. A reinspection will be made on 4-4-2022 to check for correction.
York School, 2100 W. Nichols St. 03/24/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Samantha was person in charge at time of inspection. Facility had been treated for cockroaches on 3/21/2022 and some were found on the floor dead. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Ralph Green is a business reporter with the Springfield News-Leader. Contact him at, by phone: (417-536-4061) or on Twitter at RalphGreenNL